Savina Cenuse | ABOUT
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“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” — Doug Larson

Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with customers by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests and by promoting open communication.”

I view relationship marketing as a brand’s ability to create an emotional connection with the consumer.

While I agree with the above it leaves out one very important word. It kind of implies the word somewhat but does not include the actual word and it should for this word cuts right to the heart of the term itself and in particular the word “relationship.”

The word I am referring to is “emotion.”

Long the holy grail of marketers and advertisers the world over, the word emotion speaks to that rarified place where few brands and advertisers reside. For just as in any relationship in life, touching on human emotions, preferably the positive emotions, is the key to any happy, healthy and long-term relationship.

Listening is essential to your success in marketing, communication and ultimately in business.

If there’s one skill we can all improve to become better communicators, entrepreneurs, leaders, partners, human being, this is listening.

My mission is to help my clients improve their listening skills inside and outside their organisation and develop meaningful marketing based on relevant insights.

As a marketing strategist, I’m developing marketing plans, marketing audits and marketing campaigns for start-ups, small and medium organisations, European associations and trade-associations, as well as European funded projects.  

For 14 years, I designed effective marketing and communication strategies to engage different target groups in both private and public sectors.

I had the chance to collaborate with companies/organisations such as: Carlsberg Group, Liberty Global – UPC, Microsoft, Bayer, Muller, Sony Music, EMI, Edipresse – Axel Springer joint-venture, European Heat Pumps Association, European Copper Institute. I also coordinated the Communication and Dissemination of H2020 projects (INHERIT, ZeroBrine, HEART, AIRCOAT).

I have a strong interest in communicating sustainability at an EU level, increasing awareness and impact around topics such as: energy efficiency, mobility, nature, water, health, environment.

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